21 May, 2012

Review: Force of Habit by James Scott Bell

"It's being said all over the place the the new 'gatekeepers' in publishing are the readers...So I have decided to put it to the test by letting readers decide if a new idea of mine will become a series."

And what a series it will be. A month ago in I Am Going to Let the Readers Decide, author James Scott Bell solicited assistance from his own group of “gatekeepers” to find out if they would like his new eBook, Force of Habit, to become one of many.

This reader votes a hearty “yes!”

After a series of vicious nun attacks, Sister Justicia Marie takes action to find the culprit. Her methods are unconventional. The cops and the Mother Superior disapprove. But Sister J is cleaning up the streets of L.A. the only way she knows how: by kicking some serious sinner butt.

From a writer that I consider an invaluable mentor comes the story of a rogue nun who just won't tolerate wrongdoing in her town...and I like it. Force of Habit is one of the funniest, most engaging stories I've read in a long time. Bell's quick, snappy dialogue and wry sense of humor combines with a fast-paced, easy-to-read writing style that will gleefully drag you along whether you wanted to go or not.

Available on both the Kindle and Nook for $1.49, this story will leave you wanting more...and I hope there is.

If you read Force of Habit and want to be a gatekeeper voice, as well, let the author know at The Kill Zone or on his Twitter feed @jamesscottbell.


  1. A butt-kicking nun who answers to the name of Sister Justicia? Ha! Now this should be fun.
    ...let justice prevail... (no pun intended)

    1. It seriously was. I laughed my way through this one!

  2. haha! the premise is intriguing--and hilarious. Will definitely have to read this one.


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