26 June, 2012

When Life Gets Too Full - Personal

A month ago, I felt proud of myself for not only regularly maintaining my blog but also, apparently, being entertaining enough to gain some wonderful new readers and friends. This month, I have nothing to brag about blog-wise. When my schedule became too full to hold, blogging became the least of my worries. I do feel bad for not advertising my break but, unlike at other times, I feel no guilt over missing a few blog posts.

I know the blogosphere experts wouldn't like that attitude. I know that all the how-to's and blogging tips tell us to stay consistent, to keep to a schedule, and that excuses for not blogging mean that we don't have the will-power to complete something so simple. But I also know that there are times in life when other things take precedence and should. You have to be careful not to use this as a procrastination excuse but it is valid during specific periods.

And, in this break's case, I figured out a lot of details that I didn't have hammered out before.

So what have I been doing?

Building A Business

For those of you who don't already know, I began freelancing in 2011 after years of writing and editing for various organizations and companies. In the last few months, I've been working hard to make my freelancing into a viable business. The last two months have been jam-packed with creating marketing materials, writing business plans, and (my favorite) designing a brand and website to go with it all. Doing it all myself takes time, however. I work on my clients' projects during the day and my website at night. I'm hoping to launch everything in the next week or two.

Editing A Novel

Business concerns aside, I've put off editing this particular novel for some time. It has a lot of promise and the market I intend for it is wide open right now. I'm hoping to have it completed by November, at the latest. I'm writing a synopsis and several queries at the same time, as well as compiling a list of favorite agents and publishers so I can ship it out as soon as I'm done.

Enjoying Life

With all of the above, I've come to realize that with a lot of work needs to come some play. It's no good if I work myself silly then don't enjoy my loved ones. Hubby and I have been making time for lots of dates and activities during downtime and family get-togethers have been rampant. Which brings me to the last point...

Re-evaluating My Blogging Habits

With all the writing I already do, blogging can often be the headache that sends my stress levels soaring on a given day. I'll also soon have my business blog to update, along with the social media sites for both (I don't know how those of you who have three and four blogs do it, but my hat's off to you).

So. New schedule. Posts will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays (and maybe, maybe an occasional Wednesday). All writing tips will be on Tuesday. Thursday is for book reviews. I'm also planning on new, fun posts to include author interviews, monthly goals, and science fiction/fantasy news pieces. Stay tuned for when and where those will be happening!

I also want to thank all of you who tuned in regularly, left comments, and emailed me during my absence. Your words mean so much!

What revelations have occurred to you in the past month? Or have you just been chillin' with the hot summer breezes?


  1. Been chillaxin with crafts on very hot days or stormy days, or walking along the Canal when it's not crazy humid out and shooting pics.

  2. I completely understand about evaluating schedules and activities and then setting priorities. That's what I've been doing, and it's taking me quite a while to get everything sorted out.

  3. I think it's great that you took time for you and your business. I used to worry about missing blog posts - I was afraid that if I wasn't around all the time, people would immediately lose interest and move on. But honestly? I don't think anyone's day is ruined if you only drop into the blogosphere every once in a while. And when it comes down to it, if I only have an extra hour here or there, I think it's time better spent if I work on my writing rather than blogging.

    But at any rate - welcome back!

    1. Thanks, Gina. I've had the same fears! And I think you're right in where to allot free time. I think that's the dilemma for writers, especially: do we spend free time writing or building platforms? Personally, I think that platforms might be a tad overrated. ;)


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